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Expressway Syracuse Satellite

Expressway’s Syracuse Satellite is a convenient hub for equipment Pickups and Drop offs, minutes from Downtown Syracuse. By appointment only, access to the full inventory of our Rochester, Buffalo and Philadelphia Warehouses can be scheduled for pickup at this satellite. We request 48 hours notice for coordination. Fees and minimums may apply for rush orders or Vehicle deliveries. Camera Preps are still recommended to happen at our fully staffed and outfitted Rochester Camera Prep Facility. Limited Camera Preps may be requested in Syracuse, and our Rental Agents are happy to advise on feasibility and any service fees that would apply per the specifics of your order.

Our Satellite location extends Expressway’s trusted infrastructure and capabilities into this growing central New York creative community. We are excited to expand your access to creative resources in Syracuse and to work even closer to help develop the film and video industries in this region.

Expressway Cinema Rentals Syracuse Satellite

6464 Ridings Rd. Suite 104,
Syracuse, NY 13206
(585) 622-1390

by appointment only